My exhibition “Light Gestures” has been postponed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, so I’ve posted a preview.

It seems really unnecessary to announce that my exhibition Light Gestures with Sonya Filman and Daniel He, in Gallery 44’s Production Gallery (Toronto), has been postponed due to the pandemic coronavirus COVID-19. Everything else in the (art) world has been cancelled or postponed; but it would be a shame not to at the very least give a digital preview of what might be.

The pieces I had prepared for the exhibition are part of my ongoing series of “artifacts / image making with photographic means“, and I had had them printed on adhesive vinyl for the 24-7, publicly accessible G44 Production Gallery located in the lower level of 401 Richmond Building.

So without further ado, here they are:

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”59″ display=”thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″ ngg_proofing_display=”0″ captions_enabled=”0″ captions_display_sharing=”1″ captions_display_title=”1″ captions_display_description=”1″ captions_animation=”slideup”]

2 thoughts on “obviously – COVID-19

  1. Second from the left… Mark Rothko told me he “likes this one a lot”

    I say second from the right .. Love it!

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