Group of Seven Roosters – FR-CP at De Luca Fine Art

In a few short weeks my first exhibition with Flying Rooster Contemporary Projects will open at De Luca Fine Art Gallery. The exhibition features seven Flying Rooster  artists: Manuel Bujold the co- founder of Make Art Public, award-winning sculptor Scott Eunson, architect and photographer Dieter Janssen, Montreal artists Jessica Wee, Michelle Bui and Scott Harber and me! I am exhibiting several pieces from the Urban Remains/Modern Canadian Interiors...

Detroit Rock City – literally

A couple weeks ago I celebrated Canada's May 24 weekend with friends exploring abandoned and vacated Detroit with my new Rolleiflex E2 TLR.  We did the requisite tour of Packard Automotive, St. Agnes/Martyrs of Uganda Parish Church, the Lee Plaza Hotel/Apartments, Highland Park and Fisher Body 21. I could have stayed in Detroit for weeks, the whole city is a photographers playground and after the sun sets there...

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