Toronto from the CN tower, circa 1995/96.

I’m revisiting old photos of Toronto examining how I assessed the quality of my images and what I was printing and dismissing and thought it would be fun to share some of my fiber prints from my art school years. I primarily shot black and white in art school, it was inexpensive (Ilford bulk loaded) and I could process and print it myself at school OR in my apartment darkroom. I’m also curious to see if a then and now series could be made – only time will tell.

These images (the ones o printed from that day) were all shot from the CN Tower, with my Pentax MX, with a 28-70mm lens. I love aerial photography and the CN Tower was the best I could do without access to a helicopter!  There is an accompanying super 8 movie about my ascent of the CN Tower, alas, the transfer is on tape!






3 thoughts on “A view from the CN Tower 1995/96

  1. There is something strange and shocking about these images; it feels like so much has been ‘left out’ on purpose, or is ‘not being told’. Besides finding them a little scary, these are beautiful, Richelle.


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