I am excited to be part of the Kindness Project,  Jessie’s – The June Callwood Centre for Young Women on-line art auction that starts this Monday, November 17 and runs to December 1 at jessiescentre2014.eflea.ca.

The auction features unique and original pieces of art and jewellery by talented local and international artists; and the proceeds of the sales will help transform the lives of pregnant teens, young mothers and their children.

Jessie’s is celebrating it’s 30th anniversary and serves over 200 pregnant teenagers and 1,100 young families and their children every year. Learn more about June Callwood and the services and support Jessie’s offers to pregnant teenagers here.

I have donated a 24″x24″ print of 14th Street: Rooms with a View on Hahnemuhle Fine Art paper (below) to the auction.


The Kindness Project
On-line art Auction
November 17 – December 1



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