looking forward to a winter of shooting

The departure of summer always brings a new season of shooting abandoned buildings et -al. I always manage to shoot more as the temperature plummets. My heightened activity could also be a result of easier access, lax/no security/no one is going to be paying attention to photographers trooping through the snow first thing in the morning in the dead of winter... I also love to re-shoot locations. One...

Put the Needle to the Record

Wellington Destructor August, 2012. I am in love with my new Rolleiflex E2. Not just because it's a Rollei, my other TLR is a Minolta Autocord and it is an equally amazing photo machine that has taken many, many terrific, and sharp photos for me. Perhaps it's because it's new or that my E2 allows me to shoot without a handheld light meter, (it has a fitted light...

Revisiting: Abominations – The All Burma Students’ Democratic Front catalogue

Between 1997  & 1998 I lived in South East Asia, spending most of my time living in the jungle/border area between Thailand and Burma with the All Burma Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF). I took hundreds, if not a few thousand photos all on 35mm film. I was a young female photographer living with a "guerrilla army", extremely naive about global politics (I tried the internet to research Burma...

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