More music to get lost to – Fluorochrome by Still Harbours featuring artworks by Richelle Forsey, on the indie label Ambientologist.

I am thrilled to share that the album Fluorochrome by Still Harbours, featuring artworks by me has just been released by the indie label Ambientologist!

“This newly formed duo, consisting of ambient stalwarts anthéne and Fossil Hunting Collective, delivers a tangible meeting point between their two sounds. The result is a new, more emotionally complex side of both musicians, majestically balancing notions of darkness and light, as equals. Along with the CD comes three bonus mini poster inserts, featuring more artwork from the wonderful Richelle Forsey – whose use of chemical processes on Kodak film brilliantly captures the essence of the album.” – Ambientoligist

This is the first release by former Epigram bandmates: Jamie Jones (Fossil Hunting Collective) and Bradley Deschamps (anthéne /Polar Seas) and I declare it to be an audio art form unto its own. Fill a physical space with the ambient musics of this recording (I highly recommend Walk Among the Giants), and let yourself be to work and play within the atmosphere it creates.

Preview and/or get your copy here:

Still Harbours CD cover
Still Harbours CD cover back
Still Harbours CD case and mini poster inserts
Still Harbours album mini poster inserts

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