Buffalo Beautiful

Although it's December and the it's dark by 4:30pm the call of Buffalo was too much to resist until the weather cleared next Spring. And so we picked the gloomiest day to play tourists (last Saturday) and went to Buffalo to see what we could photograph. Although the sun never came out, the rain subsided for a few hours in the afternoon so we could photograph the former...

Goodbye to the Lake Shore Motel Strip

Last year, on a rainy Sunday afternoon,  by chance the TLR CLub and I photographed what was left of Casa Mendoza, the Beach and Shore Breeze Motels on Lake Shore Blvd. It turns out it was the only weekend to photograph the motel strips' infamous Casa Mendoza because on the Monday it was literally gone. The Shore Breeze and Beach Motels were sealed up for another demolition day(s)...

my first photo zine – a sneak preview before Canzine

I'm not new to the zine world, I co- published with great irregularity the zine Katalogue with Andrew Awesome and Ed Sinclair between 2004/2006. We usually held a ridiculous party with fortune tellers, bands, fashion shows, a celebrity museum, visual art and even once, about 100 stuffed animals wrapped in electrical tape (not our best idea).  Our mission  statement (compliments of the Vendart website): "Katalogue is a zine...

Group of Seven Roosters – FR-CP at De Luca Fine Art

In a few short weeks my first exhibition with Flying Rooster Contemporary Projects will open at De Luca Fine Art Gallery. The exhibition features seven Flying Rooster  artists: Manuel Bujold the co- founder of Make Art Public, award-winning sculptor Scott Eunson, architect and photographer Dieter Janssen, Montreal artists Jessica Wee, Michelle Bui and Scott Harber and me! I am exhibiting several pieces from the Urban Remains/Modern Canadian Interiors...

An Inventory of Local Ruins

Next week, the group exhibition An Inventory of Local Ruins, photography by The TLR Club: Richelle Forsey, Kevin McBride, Martin Helmut Reis, Colin Savage and Alejandro Valencia opens at 3030 Dundas St. W. The opening reception on Sept. 8, 2012, 7pm-late is also also 3030's "Bring Your Own Vinyl Night" with DJ Nick Bandit and DJ Oh Sixteen. I'll be showing new work and we'll have will have...

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