Although it’s December and the it’s dark by 4:30pm the call of Buffalo was too much to resist until the weather cleared next Spring. And so we picked the gloomiest day to play tourists (last Saturday) and went to Buffalo to see what we could photograph.

Although the sun never came out, the rain subsided for a few hours in the afternoon so we could photograph the former Otis, Curtiss-Wright, and Niagara Tool & Machine site, attempt to access the Houdaille Industries site down the street, drive by the very boarded-shut Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church and wander some of the perimeter of the Buffalo Central Terminal.

Buffalo is a magical playground for photographers.

Below are my iPhone snapshots, photos from the Rolleiflex pending/at the lab…hopefully then I’ll have learned something about the former Otis, Curtiss-Wright, and Niagara Tool & Machine site. Right now the building is shrouded in mystery…

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