
Kodak #9
The Kodak manufacturing site in Weston-Mount Dennis is back in the news and community is really pushing to save what's left of Kodak Toronto. I understand, through photographing vacant/abandoned sites that most buildings are destined to become highway pavement, but Kodak has always been synonymous with magic for me. My first camera was a Kodak P&S, I shot Kodak film, printed on Kodak paper using Kodak chemistry...
The Globe, Black Diamond & Nicholson File on a beautiful day
Many of the vacant/abandoned and neglected sites I have a chance to photograph have had long histories and most have had an economic significance to the communities they existed and that when they cease to exist it's a blow to the communities surrounding them: Kodak Toronto, Color Corp Buffalo, The Packard Automotive Plant... but not as many have had a news worthy note like the Globe, Black Diamond...
Buffalo Beautiful
Although it's December and the it's dark by 4:30pm the call of Buffalo was too much to resist until the weather cleared next Spring. And so we picked the gloomiest day to play tourists (last Saturday) and went to Buffalo to see what we could photograph. Although the sun never came out, the rain subsided for a few hours in the afternoon so we could photograph the former...
a shoe massacre
Tires, boats, paintball, fires and shoes. Packard Automotive, May 2012.