Kodak #9

  The Kodak manufacturing site in Weston-Mount Dennis is back in the news and community is really pushing to save what's left of Kodak Toronto. I understand, through photographing vacant/abandoned sites that most buildings are destined to become highway pavement, but Kodak has always been synonymous with magic for me. My first camera was a Kodak P&S, I shot Kodak film, printed on Kodak paper using Kodak chemistry...

The Globe, Black Diamond & Nicholson File on a beautiful day

Many of the vacant/abandoned and neglected sites I have a chance to photograph have had long histories and most have had an economic significance to the communities they existed and that  when they cease to exist it's a blow to the communities surrounding them: Kodak Toronto, Color Corp Buffalo, The Packard Automotive Plant... but not as many have had a news worthy note like the Globe, Black Diamond...

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