Modern Canadian Interiors – a poster

  This poster was a submission that wasn't accepted. It appears here with the printers bleed. Chairs are the most often abandoned piece of furniture. This poster features my photos of my favourite abandoned chairs as they were found. People often design entire environments around a chair to illustrate the function or status of a room. Nothing changes when they leave. The chairs are now a suggestion of...

Writers Block

Inside the High Park Block Party: 13 houses wrapping the end of a block in High Park along Bloor St, between and on Oakmount Rd. and Pacific Ave. The houses are slated for demolition and/or are burning down.

daucus carota, the state of sleeping plants: a study in the decay of vegetation

  I've begun a new series of non-traditional macro photography using a DIY macro lens. About the state of sleeping plants: a study in the decay of vegetation The State of Sleeping Plants explores the plant world in decomposition through chance and a DIY (do-it-yourself) macro lens. I am fascinated by the visual resemblances of plant matter during stages of decay to fantasy and science fiction world creations....

Modern Canadian Interiors Reviewed!

Today I discovered a glowing  review of the book Modern Canadian Interiors that the TLR Club (of which i am a member) published this May on the Hotshot* blog. And without further ado here is the review! Modern Canadian Interiors by Jacqueline Bennett Modern Canadian Interiors (2010) is the first publication by the TLR Club to highlight a rich collection of photography and carefully executed research. The TLR Club (Twin...

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