
The Globe, Black Diamond & Nicholson File on a beautiful day
Many of the vacant/abandoned and neglected sites I have a chance to photograph have had long histories and most have had an economic significance to the communities they existed and that when they cease to exist it's a blow to the communities surrounding them: Kodak Toronto, Color Corp Buffalo, The Packard Automotive Plant... but not as many have had a news worthy note like the Globe, Black Diamond...
The Harvey Woods Building – an authorized visit
On Saturday (November 24), 3 photographer friends from the Residue Group (link no longer is valid), Peter Brickell, Rimma Skeini, Kevin McBride, and I accepted an invitation to photograph the Harvey Woods Building on Vansittart Ave in Woodstock ON. Authorized opportunities to shoot vacant buildings are rare and stranger still we were given unlimited access! We were only asked to mind the broken glass and to not lock...
Put the Needle to the Record
Wellington Destructor August, 2012. I am in love with my new Rolleiflex E2. Not just because it's a Rollei, my other TLR is a Minolta Autocord and it is an equally amazing photo machine that has taken many, many terrific, and sharp photos for me. Perhaps it's because it's new or that my E2 allows me to shoot without a handheld light meter, (it has a fitted light...