Put the Needle to the Record

Wellington Destructor August, 2012. I am in love with my new Rolleiflex E2. Not just because it's a Rollei, my other TLR is a Minolta Autocord and it is an equally amazing photo machine that has taken many, many terrific, and sharp photos for me. Perhaps it's because it's new or that my E2 allows me to shoot without a handheld light meter, (it has a fitted light...

The Doll – love lost in the Wellington Destructor

  I recently had an opportunity to photograph the interior of the Wellington Destructor (mental note: return this winter for tree free exteriors!). Near the end of my shoot, after just listening to the squeals and screams of pigs entering the neighboring slaughter house (not awesome), I quite literally stumbled on the remains of this artifact from someone's childhood that had found it's way into the collection inside...

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