
I will have several 11″x11″ prints of Filmores Hotel Hubby Daycare for sale at Gallery 44’s Wall to Wall – OFF THE WALL print sale and party. It’s a wild and crazy affair, come and hobnob with talented photographers and buy some art right-off-the-wall!

Wall to Wall – OFF THE WALL!
December 5, 2013 – December 14, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday December 5, 6PM – 9PM

And just for fun, here’s a shot of the Filmores Hotel from my 1995 photo book project One Block Radius about the neighborhood, when I was a resident!

The print is terrible (my enlarging lens or carrier was out of whack ), but it’s “clear” Filmores Hotel hasn’t changed much (and neither has their sense of humor – sumptuous menu? please!) in almost 2 decades.

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