Salon 44 at Gallery 44
These 2 pieces (L: Fluctuations Stilled, R: Perpetual Transmutation) from my artifacts series will be in Gallery 44‘s...
These 2 pieces (L: Fluctuations Stilled, R: Perpetual Transmutation) from my artifacts series will be in Gallery 44‘s...
I have finally begun the task of evaluating my photos from my adventures with All Burma Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF), during the year 1997-1998 and proofing a selection of photos for my next book project Burma's Club Med, that I plan to have completed by the Fall of 2013. It's been pretty exciting revisiting my work and subsequently discovering images I had dismissed as not worthy of printing...
I am becoming a member of Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography this week; and one of the many perks of my membership is access to their wet darkrooms. Before I can use the darkrooms I must attend the darkroom orientation this week which is immediately followed by a G44 printing party! So I was digging through my darkroom boxes in my studio tonight looking for my scope...