a catholic education
The TLR Club has a 7 year running tradition of getting together in the early hours of one...
The TLR Club has a 7 year running tradition of getting together in the early hours of one...
Many of the vacant/abandoned and neglected sites I have a chance to photograph have had long histories and most have had an economic significance to the communities they existed and that when they cease to exist it's a blow to the communities surrounding them: Kodak Toronto, Color Corp Buffalo, The Packard Automotive Plant... but not as many have had a news worthy note like the Globe, Black Diamond...
I'm not new to the zine world, I co- published with great irregularity the zine Katalogue with Andrew Awesome and Ed Sinclair between 2004/2006. We usually held a ridiculous party with fortune tellers, bands, fashion shows, a celebrity museum, visual art and even once, about 100 stuffed animals wrapped in electrical tape (not our best idea). Our mission statement (compliments of the Vendart website): "Katalogue is a zine...
The TLR Club's Modern Canadian Interiors has been submitted to the Artist Book of the Moment. The "A" is silent. “Publishing is not a neutral act. It is implicitly political and aesthetic. The publishing is part of the aesthetic of the work, in terms of its look, its distribution, and how the audience interacts with the work, both in terms of reading it, engaging with its writers and...